P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science

The P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science offers the bachelor of science degree in 18 programs, combining a strong background in sciences and mathematics with requirements in humanities and social sciences. Students in college programs learn principles they can apply immediately in professional work; those who plan on further academic experience can design a curriculum centering on interests they will pursue in graduate school.

The P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science also offers Master's of Science, Master's of Engineering, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in all of our core departments, as well as several interdisciplinary areas. See Graduate Study and Research for more information.

The mission of the college is to prepare undergraduate and graduate students to be critical thinkers, problem solvers, innovators, leaders and life-long learners in a global society and to create an environment where students pursue cutting-edge research in engineering and engineering science.

DEGREE Programs

The P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science includes eight departments and offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs at the bachelor, master, and doctor of philosophy levels.

The undergraduate degree programs leading to the bachelor of science degree are:

Accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org

Accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org

Accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET,

http://www.abet.org and AACSB, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business

Accredited by AACSB, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business

Programs in chemistry and physics have been approved by the faculty program review committee in these disciplines.

First Year Courses for Engineering Degrees

First Year
First SemesterCreditsSecond SemesterCredits
WRT 0013WRT 0023
MATH 0214MATH 0224
ENGR 0052Select one of the following:5-6
Select one of the following:5-6CHM 030
& ENGR 010
CHM 030
& ENGR 010
6PHY 011
& PHY 012
PHY 011
& PHY 012
5HSS Elective3-4
14-15 15-17
Total Credits: 29-32

Bioengineering students take CHM 030 and ENGR 010 in the fall along with ENGR 005 . In the spring they take BIOS 041 (instead of HSS elective) along with PHY 011 / PHY 012 . The HSS elective will be taken in later semesters.

Students in Computer Science and Business, Integrated Business and Engineering, and Integrated Degree in Engineering, Arts and Sciences follow a different first year curriculum.

Minimum Humanities/Social Sciences (HSS) Requirements for all Engineering Programs

Basic Requirement

Economics and English. Three courses totaling a minimum of ten credit hours: Students must complete all three:

Note: WRT 011 is only for students with AP credit for WRT 001

Advanced Requirement

A minimum of four multi-credit courses and a minimum of 13 credits in courses designated as HU (humanities) or SS (social science), with the following restrictions:

  1. Depth: At least eight credits must be in a common discipline and from the same department or program. At least three of these credits must be at the 100-level or above, or at the intermediate level or above for a single modern foreign language.
  2. Breadth: At least three credits in a discipline different from, and not cross-listed with, the discipline employed to satisfy the depth requirement.
  3. At least three credits must be designated as HU.
  4. None of the courses used for HSS can be taken Pass/Fail.
  5. None of the course can be one-credit courses.

Free Electives

The college, through its advisors, is prepared to help students to use the credit hours of “free electives” that, along with other electives in the curriculum, may be used to develop a program of personal interest. Free electives may be satisfied by taking regular course offerings or up to six credit hours from any of the following: MUS 21-79, from JOUR 1-8, or up to six credit hours of advanced ROTC courses.

Bachelor's to master's accelerated programs

The Bachelor's to Master's Accelerated Program allows eligible undergraduates to leverage up to 12 credits taken during undergraduate studies towards a master's degree within the Rossin College (or any of Lehigh's colleges). In addition, the accelerated program allows students to enroll in graduate level (400 level) courses during their junior and senior years.

Master's degrees are becoming increasingly common in the workplace, and graduate study allows students to build new skills or expand existing ones. Students may elect to continue in their undergraduate discipline or change fields. For more information, see: https://engineering.lehigh.edu/academics/undergraduate/special-opportunities/accelerated.

Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Degrees

Computer science & business Honors program

The College of Business and the Computer Science and Engineering department in the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science jointly offer the Computer Science and Business (CSB) Honors program. It is a four-year program that is fully accredited by AACSB International, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, and by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org .

Integrated Business & Engineering Honors Program

The Integrated Business and Engineering Honors Program (IBE) is offered jointly by the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science and the College of Business. The program recognizes the need for today’s leaders in business and industry to have a sound foundation in both commerce and technology.

After four years and a minimum of 137 credits, students will receive a single Bachelor of Science Degree in Integrated Business and Engineering. The program meets the accreditation standards of the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business. Students are expected to maintain a minimum GPA of 3.25 in order to remain in the program.

A second option is the five-year dual degree program. This option allows students to obtain a second Bachelor of Science degree in engineering by completing course work in the engineering field chosen by the student as their IBE major. Students enrolled in the four year IBE Honors Program and in satisfactory standing are able to transfer to a dual-degree at any time, and stay within the honors program cohort. The additional time necessary to complete the second degree will depend on the curriculum selected, and the number of advanced placement credits. The number of additional credit hours will typically be in the range of 20 to 30.

Students in the IBE Honors Program can major in nearly any area of engineering or business that Lehigh offers. After their freshman year, each student will declare a major in either the P. C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science or the College of Business.

Admission to the Integrated Business and Engineering Program is highly selective, with annual admission limited to approximately 50 students. The University’s Office of Admissions can explain the procedure for applying to the program. It is possible that a small number of exceptional students may be admitted to the program following the completion of their freshman year. Admission at this point would be highly competitive and based upon freshman year GPA, faculty recommendations, and space availability.

The Co-Directors of the IBE Honors Program are Ana Alexandrescu, Professor of Practice, Industrial and Systems Engineering (aia210@lehigh.edu) and Richard J. Kish, Professor of Finance (rjk7@lehigh.edu). For additional information, see the IBE Honors Program or visit the IBE web site at www.lehigh.edu/~inibep/inibep.html.

Integrated Degree Engineering, Arts and Sciences (IDEAS) Honors Program

The B.S. in Integrated Engineering, Arts and Sciences (IDEAS) provides students with a unique opportunity to combine the breadth and depth of two focus areas, one from engineering and one from arts and sciences in a four-year experience. More information is available in the IDEAS entry in this catalog, or online at www.lehigh.edu/ideas.

Jointly administered by the College of Arts and Sciences and the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science, IDEAS is a four-year honors program that allows students to earn a bachelor's degree with concentrations in both colleges. In close collaboration with IDEAS advisors and faculty directors, students admitted to this highly selective honors program develop an individualized academic plan tailored to their interests.

IDEAS allows students to study diverse interests such as bioengineering and religion, computer science and graphic design, industrial engineering and international relations, bioengineering and molecular biology, and music and computer science. Key features of the program include:

IDEAS graduates are awarded a Bachelor of Science degree, conferred by both colleges. Students interested in pursuing a professionally accredited degree in their selected engineering disciplines may choose to do so in an optional fifth year of study. Some programs of study in the College of Arts and Sciences, mainly in the sciences, may also require further study to complete certification.

Other Options for Engineering Students

Professional work experience

Internships and other professional work experiences are available for undergraduates in the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science. Students interested in experiential employment opportunities should contact the Center for Career and Professional Development and their academic advisor. Students earn free elective credits per successful work assignment for a total of six free elective credits. These six credits are in ENGR 200 or ENGR 160 and are taken as P/F (Pass/Fail).

Technical minors (Available to all students but most require prerequisites from engineering curricula).

Two Column Table
Column 1 Column 2
Minor Program Department
Aerospace Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Biotechnology Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Chemical Engineering Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Computer Engineering Electrical & Computer Engineering
Computer Science Computer Science & Engineering
Data Science Computer Science & Engineering
Electrical Engineering Electrical & Computer Engineering
Engineering Leadership Industrial & Systems Engineering
Energy Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Environmental Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering
Manufacturing Systems Industrial & Systems Engineering
Materials Science Materials Science & Engineering
Nanotechnology Materials Science & Engineering
Polymer Science Materials Science & Engineering

Interdisciplinary Minors (For engineering students)

A minor in Engineering Leadership provides students with knowledge, experiences and interaction with successful business managers in order to become more effective leaders. For more information about this minor: http://www.lehigh.edu/~inleader/curriculum.html

The College of Business offers a minor in Business for students in the College of Arts and Sciences and P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science to provide students with knowledge and skills to allow them to make informed business decisions. A sequential sequence of courses is designed to integrate such traditional topics as accounting, finance, marketing, and management. For more information about his minor: http://cbe.lehigh.edu/academics/undergraduate/degree-programs/business-minor . There is a minor in Real Estate: http://cbe.lehigh.edu/academics/undergraduate/degree-programs/real-estate-minor and a minor in Entrepreneurship: http://cbe.lehigh.edu/academics/undergraduate/degree-programs/entrepreneurship-minor . The courses in the latter treat subjects such as intellectual property, creativity and innovation, venture capital, positioning of products and services, and understanding the entrepreneurial mindset. There is also a minor in Supply Chain Management. Details can be found at http://catalog.lehigh.edu/coursesprogramsandcurricula/businessandeconomics/supplychainmanagement/#undergraduatetext

Students in engineering can also earn a minor in various humanities or social sciences by using their humanities and social science electives coupled with their free electives.

Engineering Minor (for non-engineering students)

The College of Engineering enables undergraduate students enrolled in the Colleges of Arts and Sciences and in the College of Business to earn a minor in engineering. This unique program provides students with insight into the world of engineers: who they are, what they do, and how they think. Students pursuing the Engineering Minor develop an understanding of the tools and techniques engineering use on a day-to-day basis.

The mission of the minor is to educate non-engineering students about engineering methodology, specifically how engineers solve problems; how they design, manufacture, and analyze problems; and how other factors such as economics, safety, ethics, and environmental issues affect the engineering design process. Fifteen credit hours of required and elective coursework are required to fulfill the engineering minor.

Music Option

Music and Engineering is not a major in itself. However, Lehigh attracts many engineering and science students who wish to continue their active involvement in music and the music department. For those students who are interested in pursuing this option, music can be taken as a second degree, minor or through free electives.

Undergraduate research through Centers and Institutes

Faculty and students in the college also have research and scholarship activities in a number of centers and institutes, where graduate and undergraduate students work closely with faculty members.

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