FREE 6+ Police Officer Resignation Letters in PDF | MS Word

police officer resignation letter

Serve and Protect—these words are the fibers of every Police Officer’s existence and are at the core of the police department’s history. Living by the motto often means putting their lives on the line and sacrificing time intended for their families. Being a Cop is a very complex job, more complex than any of us would understand. Trying to maintain the balance of being a savior and executioner at the same time takes a heavy toll on both the mental and physical well-being. When worse comes to worst, and the call of duty has taken its end, you need to complete a police officer resignation letter.


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What Is a Police Officer Resignation Letter

A Police Officer Resignation Letter is a formal letter expressing the intent to leave the profession for a variety of reasons. It is usually submitted in advance before the Police Officer’s actual exit, and once submitted, it legally takes effect by terminating the appointment and commission as a Police Officer. Resignation letters are also records of the date and the time of the resignation of a Police officer.

Talhasee Police Department Chief Resignation Letter

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Police Officer Resignation Letters are often addressed to their respective Police Chiefs. It includes the address the station where they’re posted or the department in which they served. City Officials in their Departments are also addressed in these letters if they’re written by high-ranking Police officers.

Mt.Carmel Police Department Chief Resignation Letter

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Police Resignation Letters enumerate and explains the reason for deciding to quit the profession. Grudges and frustrations are often expressed as the cause for the resignation. Everything written in the letter can be used as the basis for the improvement of the Police Department.

Albuquerque Police Department Resignation Letter

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Resignation Letters are also Professional Resignation Letters which express the intent to leave the profession of Law Enforcement. Like other Resignation Letters, these also serve as a record of the date and time of the resignation of the Police Officer.

Reasons for Leaving the Police Force

There are many reasons why police officers leave the Law Enforcement Community. The top 2 killers of an Officer’s career are Stress and Psychological Trauma and Demoralization. These factors are the result of the complexity that comes with the profession. The potent and deadly mix of these two is too much any human being to handle, and it causes them to call it quits, and eventually writing their resignations.

Stress and Psychological Trauma

Stress and Psychological Trauma is a stone that breaks even the most mentally tough. Such Trauma is due to a variety of reasons like violent encounters with criminals, bad public opinion about the profession due to a recent scandal, and even the changes in the Officer’s domestic life. Injuries of the mind are complicated to treat and are often hidden in obscurity behind closed doors. Stress and Psychological Trauma is a day to day struggle for cops, and most often, they would question the profession that they chose.

Demoralization from Shifting Public Opinion and Lack of Material Support

The action of the few bad apples always affect the good ones in the basket. Corruption among members of the Law Enforcement Community is nothing new to us. It is common for us to hear news about cops harassing and killing innocent people who always give bad publicity for the whole Law Enforcement Community. Lack of confidence and animosity towards the profession sends a feeling of isolation from the community that the Officer served and protected.

The lack of logistical support for them also demoralizes Police Officers, which often leads to them unwilling to do their respective duties. Support in the form of adequate protective equipment, firearms, and patrol vehicles needed in their daily functions are mostly outdated, lacking in maintenance or broken. The frustration of being ill-equipped results in the further deterioration of the morale within ranks of the Police Force.


The Law Enforcement career is a rollercoaster ride where, at one point, sends you up to cloud nine and then plunges you down right after. The camaraderie and the good times shared with the rest of the department are simultaneously coupled with the loss of lives, scandals, and frustrations. Such dynamics are mentally and physically exhausting, thereby leading to the decision to leave the force for good.

Not all reasons for leaving the profession of law enforcement are due to negative causes. Some are also due to the feeling of the need to pass the torch to the new generation and attend to other matters such as spending more time with their families, especially with their grandchildren.

The decision to retire not only allows an Officer to rest and spend the rest of their life with their family. Retirement also gives them the chance to try new things such as a new hobby or start a business.

Sample Police Officer Resignation Letter Templates

Leaving the Law Enforcement Community is a tough decision for every Cop who have formed tight bonds within the police force and the community that they’ve served for years. Leaving the profession does not always mean closing the doors for new opportunities. In fact, it could also unfold the beginning of a new chapter. Here are Police Officer Resignation Letter Sample Templates that you can download and use, should you arrive in a decision to submit one.

Fillable Police Officer Resignation Letter

fillable police officer resignation letter

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Sample Police Officer Resignation Letter Template

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Sample Police Officer Resignation And Job Handover Letter

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Police Officer Resignation Letter Sample Template

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How to use these Templates

To use these templates, be sure to replace the words written in the spaces intended for your name, address, rank, and date. If your wish to replace some information in the body of the letter, simply highlight the area that you wish to replace, erase it and replace it with the information that you wish to write on it. Also, it is important that you use the software application that is related to the file format the template came with.