Open public meetings act quorum

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This page provides links to MRSC's resources related to the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) in Washington State.

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Training Opportunities

State law requires local elected officials and public records officers to complete open government training no later than 90 days after taking the oath of office or assuming their duties, with a refresher course at least every four years

MRSC and our partner organizations provide training opportunities that can help local officials fulfill these requirements.

PRA and OPMA E-Learning for City/Town Elected Officials

MRSC partners with the Association of Washington Cities (AWC) to produce two free e-learning courses for city and town councilmembers and mayors, one dealing with the Public Records Act (40 minutes) and the other with the Open Public Meetings Act (45 minutes). These courses can help fulfill the Open Government Trainings Act requirements.

After completing each training, make sure to download your certificate of completion for documentation purposes.

Other Training Opportunities