What type of student are you?

Choose from below to apply and find out the next steps to start taking classes at Chabot College. If assistance is needed, contact the Peer Guides.

If you have accessibility or academic accommodation needs (for example, a 504 plan or an IEP in high school), please contact the DSPS Accessibility Center for Education.

new student

First time attending college after high school.

returning student

Attended Chabot or Las Positas College in the past.

concurrent enrollment student

Planning to take college courses while in high school.

previous college student

Attended or currently attending another college.

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Taking Chabot classes while in adult school or ROP.

international student

Plan to attend Chabot College on an F1 visa.

veteran student

Served in the US armed forces .

english as a second language student

Study English as a Second Language.

one or two classes student

Plan to take one or two Chabot classes.

noncredit student

Plan to take only Noncredit Chabot classes.